October 31 – November 6

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  • #5761

    Alain Parent

    Happy Halloween :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    This week is an easy week for most of you. Check TP for all the details.

    * Continue updating your ilog.
    * Sign up for the Lake Louise camp if you haven’t done so already (http://www.doodle.com/gqmsva8y2dgg2hk3). Deadline is Nov 3rd.
    * Start filling in the Winter Racing Template. I need to know if you are coming to Sovereign and Rossland by November 4th (this Friday). Thanks.
    * Please take your wake up heart rate. Write it into ilog. Check email sent this week for those interested in a finger pulse oximeter.
    * We will be receiving the Fischer skis sometime in the next week. We will need to mark the classics with lines and check the camber on the skates. Also, it would be good to go over your fleet of skis in the next 3 weeks. Let’s start this Saturday (5) with 2 athletes at 9:30am (send me an email if you are interested/available). Skis need to be scraped and very, very clean (including the top and sidewalls)
    * Do some stretching daily. This will help you out with more available power when skiing and reduce the risk of injury.
    * We change our watches off the daylight saving time this Saturday night. It will be dark at team training for a while until they turn on the lights. Always bring a headlamp with you during the month of November. Check the batteries this week!

    Tuesday (1): We are reversing sessions tonight. Team room, 1700-1830. Skate ski on the thunder, followed by a short strength in gym (no stairs tonight).

    Wednesday (2): No team training. Check TP for individual plan.

    Thursday (3): Z1-3 ski walk/stride on Highline trail. Bring ski striding poles (same length as winter classics). Meet at Three sisters Parkway and Blvd intersection. 1630-1830. Also bring your heart rate monitor/watch, water bottle and appropriate clothes. It would be great to get 2-3 parents to help out for this session (tail gunners). Thanks.

    Google map: http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=Three+Sisters+Pkwy&hl=en&ll=51.051377,-115.317564&spn=0.007945,0.021136&sll=51.05395,-115.318648&sspn=0.001986,0.005284&vpsrc=6&hnear=Three+Sisters+Pkwy,+Canmore,+Division+No.+15,+Alberta&t=h&z=16

    Saturday (5): Frozen Thunder, ski classic, 1000-1130. Swix universal klister has been working really well lately. Sometimes we need to cover it with Rode purple to prevent it from freezing.

    Have a great week of training and resting 😀 😀

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