October 5 to 12

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    Rachel Koroscil

    Monday, October 5

    Classic Roller Ski Shooting Combo with Moderate Intensities 1645-1815

    Tuesday, October 6 (PRIMO AND SUPREMO this week)

    Distance/Technique. ROLLERSKI CLASSIC – Diagonal Stride with Alain.

    1645-1700-warm up OYO then session from 1700-1830:  Meet at the start of the rollerski pavement by the parking lot at 1700.

    Wednesday, October 7

    BE Intensity Ski Striding (bring ski striding poles) on Ha Ling

    All pods meet at 1700 at Goat Creek Parking lot. Done at 1830 (same place).

    Thursday, October 8

    Biathlon Strength Combo 1645-1815

    Don’t forget your weights!


    Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for having such a great group of athletes to coach! Thanks for being awesome!

    Training will resume on October 13 for Supremos and October 14 for Primos. Check your Training Peaks for your individual training plans. Remember to update your Training Peaks by Saturday to ensure you receive your training prescription for the following week.

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