October 6 – 12 **Updated**

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    Alain Parent


    There are a number of disruptions to practice over the next few weeks due to camp, xc running zones and Thanksgiving. Don’t despair, we will still get together for training and fun!

    Monday (6)
    No practice. Rest up after camp! Do something fun with your buddies, or catch up on your homework 😛

    Tuesday (7)
    Alternative session! Strength in the gym and skate rollerski technique. Meet at the Team Room at 5pm.

    Wednesday (8)
    No practice. Good luck to all athletes running in the zones!

    Sunday (12)[/color]
    Alternative session! Trail run with poles 9 – 10:30am at the bench. Meet at the Public car park across from the Iron Goat on Elk Run Blvd at 8:50am. You will need water bottle/drink belt and ski striding poles. Parents welcome to join us!

    Lake Louise camp
    The snow has already started to fall and your coaches are already getting ready for the first on-snow camp at Lake Louise, Fri 21st – Sun 23rd November. Accommodation is at the LL Hostel and we’ll ski on a number of different trails to keep you interested! You need to sign up via the below link to confirm your spot by Sunday October 12th. This camp is a lot of fun and last year we had beautiful fresh snow so please join us!!

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