Opening Ceremony on Friday – It Will Be Lots of Fun

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    Alain Parent

    We would really like that all athletes participating in the 2011 Nationals to be part of the parade at the opening ceremony on Friday (11). It will be lots of fun! It’s scheduled to last only 30 minutes. See details below from Greg Thompson:


    Welcome everyone to the Haywood 2011 Ski Nationals in Canmore, Alberta. The Canmore Nordic Ski Club and the Town of Canmore is really excited to host you in our community and on the Canmore Nordic Centre Trails.

    Our first major event is a Welcoming Ceremony on Friday, March 11th from 4:45 pm to 5:30 pm. This will start with a parade of athletes down the “Main Street Snow Track” to the Civic Centre. Please have your teams meet at the East end of the snow track and organize into clubs and divisions at 4:45pm. We will have flag and name bearers for each province (our local Jackrabbits), so organize yourselves accordingly. At 5:00 pm we will proceed down the Snow Track on Main Street to the Civic Centre. At this point, we will have a Welcoming Ceremony with some great draw prizes for attending athletes, including a pair of SkiTrab skis for Juveniles. Sara Renner will also be on hand to officially open the Haywood 2011 Ski Nationals.

    Following the Welcoming Ceremony, there will be a downtown block party on the Snow Track with music, food and bonfires for all participants.

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