Ordering CNSC Jackets and Race Suits – Buy/Sell Used too

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    Alain Parent

    Note: You can sell or buy used suits by clicking on the link at the bottom of this posting.

    Canmore Nordic jackets can be purchased from Trailsports starting at the end of October. They are on order now.

    Trailsports does not carry our race suits. We will take orders at the following two order nights. Note that race suits are the same design as the last 2 years.


    Thursday, September 26 and Tuesday, October 1

    Where? Bill Warren Training Centre

    Time? 6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

    Bring? Cheque payable to CNSC

    We will have sample sizes for you to try on.

    Sandy Mergler is coordinating race suits orders. Race suits take about 6-8 weeks for delivery.

    Please contact Sandy by email (smergler@shaw.ca) to arrange your order if you are unable to make either session. Suits must be ordered by October 1st in order to get them in time for the start of the winter season.

    There will only be one race suit order this year and a minimum order must be made. We will cash your cheque only if we are able to make the minimum order but we do not expect the minimum order to be a problem..

    Last year’s pricing of CNSC race suits below. Expect a small increase (~$10). We will update this posting when we get our official quote:
    Lycra tops: $105.00
    Lycra tights: $85.00

    We are hoping that we can still order tops and bottoms separately. The guy we deal with is on holiday until Sept 23rd!

    Sell/Buy your used jackets and race suits here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjD4IpvHy8sWdDFJVXY2Q3ZpYmt6dXJ0dy1fTk1jcmc#gid=0

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