Put your name on your gear!

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  • #6624


    Hi Parents and Track Attackers

    Please take a minute or hour out of your day sometime soon and plaster your name all over your clothes and gear. It’s much easy to relocate things that have been put down and picked up by someone else with your name on it. We are a large group and we put things down together to keep our stuff together but it does make for a game of shuffle your coat with 30 CNSC jackets in the same pile.

    That being said, I picked up 2 coats after Thursday’s session 1- a CNSC jacket with the name ‘Praught’ on the tag. A hand me down from the Praught family. Could be Alex Frickers. Or someone picked up Alex’s and left this coat for him. and 2- a blue pile coat from Mec maybe. I think perhaps Karl’s.

    I have left the two coats in the team room on the coat rack inside the door. For future lost and found gear it will be placed in our team’s lost and found box which is in the team room right inside the door with a two part split lid. This box gets donated to goodwill with the changes of the season so check that first if your missing gear.

    Things to mark your name with:
    -water bottle holders
    -all gear: poles, boots, skis, runners
    -back packs
    -and your undies

    See you soon
    Coach Phil

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