Reminder *Klister*

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  • #6239


    Great job Monday with the klister condition skiing. Klister days can be a handful but with a little sticky stuff it usually turns out just fine. It can be hard to prepare a wax recommendation the day before on temperature alone but the handy wax guide found at the top of our forum is usually right on. This is a reminder that tonight we did the klister application for the kids but it is the responsibility of the parents to monitor the conditions and make an educated guess about wax and apply it before coming to practice, even if that turns out to be klister. General rule with Klister if it’s warm, wet, or icy, klister is usually the receipe.

    If conditions go back below freezing before our next classic practice, make sure the klister is cleaned off before applying a hardwax.

    Additional reminders:
    Jan 16th Classic BCRR: sign up here- Volunteers are needed check in with Laurie who is looking after coordinating that.
    Jan 23rd- Ski Rodeo: more details to follow. Cookie bakers needed, check in with Laurie to donate some baked goods.

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