Rest of March!

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    Rachel Koroscil

    Reminders from Matt:

    The final week of team training before nationals has arrived. You all have done lots of great training since May to prepare for the racing season, and now we are in the final fine tune of the year. Focus on your getting good sleep this week leading up to the event so you are bursting with energy come Saturday!

    It is great to have nationals here in our home town, but it is important to treat it as you would if we were on the road. Many of us have talked at training, but from a racing, training, and recovery perspective, I recommend you do not attend school just as if you were on the road so you can focus on racing your best. Alain will be following up this week with a “trip” document to outline our schedule for Nationals.

    We are looking for some volunteers (parents of athletes racing at Nationals, or anyone who just loves to wax) to help with some afternoon base glide application, scraping, and brushing. Please sign up on the doodle here:

    Of course, our major focus is finishing this season as best we can, but it is important to talk about next year. We are changing the LC program for biathlon and cross country next year and would like to present the changes to you. Alain will run a 30min athlete/parent meeting on Wednesday, March 15th at 6:35pm (right after the workout) at the bwtc to go over the details.

    Training this week:

    Wednesday(15) 5:00-6:30 Skate distance with speed work. Meet at the teamroom. Don’t forget your recovery snack to eat after training/ during the meeting.

    Thursday (16) 4:30-6:00 Static Biathlon Training – No Skis needed, dress warm.

    Friday(17)- Saturday(25) NATIONALS! See document on Matt’s Forum for details -Coming soon!

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