Rocky Mtn Ski Challenge – Sun Mar 17 – updated sunday am

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  • #6321


    Hi Team,

    Roy is the lead coach for sunday’s Rocky Mtn Ski Challenge – this is our club’s big participation event and we would really love it if every TA, T1. T2 skier participated. T3s and LCs please check your training peaks/training plan to see if your coach is recommending this one.

    Sunday environment canada forecast: high of -6/snow

    ski prep – solda performance red – scrape, brush at home

    original plan was to add some structure to skis as it was looking warm – this won’t add any speed given today’s fresh cold blowing snow conditions – please just brush your skis really well at home – we will have a couple of brushes at the team room if you’d like to do that there.

    plan for the day

    850am – athlete should arrive according to their race plan – an hour before to do their warm up.
    950am – 10km 16-18 year old race
    break –

    afternoon skiers arrives on site – TA skiers – Rhonda has posted some additional info for you on the TA forum. T1/2 skiers – we’ll organize a group warm up for noon. T3 skiers, you can pick up your bib and as you usually do, do your warm up on your own. Bibs can be picked up at the team room

    1245 – 9-10 year old race
    1255 – 11-12 year old race
    100 – 13-15 year old race
    130 – downhill race
    230 – all done

    it will be a really fun day and the last big event of the year for our T2 and younger skiers!

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