Saturday CNSC Triathlon

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  • #7170

    Alain Parent

    Greetings T2+ athletes and families,

    Here are the details on our upcoming club triathlon on Saturday june 16.

    location/timing of events

    715am – drop off bikes at cnc – ski trail side of the new waxing building (taj mahal) – we will need one parent to stay with the bicycles
    730am – arrive at pool, get changed, on the pool deck, place running shoes, running clothes outside the back of the pool (tarps will be placed on the gravel).
    745am – T2 swim start – 300m (12x25m) – we will need about 6 lap counters
    800am – T3 swim start – 500m (20x25m)
    815am – LC/PC swim start – 700m (28x25m)

    summary of parent helpers for swim
    6 lap counters
    1 person to stay with bikes at cnc

    immediately following the swim, athletes transition to the run.

    Run details
    – trail run on the trail that goes around the perimeter of Larch subdivision, progresses across engine bridge, goes up the staircase beside the power plant, under the cutline to the top by the reservoir, run to taj mahal (run-bike transition area)

    summary of parent helpers for run segment
    – one marshall at the first bridge close to the rec centre on the trail that leads around Larch – in position by 745am – all done by 845am
    – one marshall at the far west end of Larch trail where the trail turns left/east and heads towards the engine bridge – in position by 745am – all done when the last runner comes through about 845am
    – one marshall at the bottom of the hydro plant stairs – in position by 8am – all done when the last runner comes through.

    run marshalls – meet Roy at 730am at the rec centre entrance for a start list and instructions

    Bike details
    riders will ride a 15-20minute loop mostly on salt lake ski trail.
    T2 – 1 loop
    T3 – 2 loops
    LC/PC – 3 loops

    summary of parent helpers for bike segment
    – course marshalls x 5 – meet Roy at 800am at bike transition area (on ski trail side of the new wax building (taj mahal)) – Roy will give you some instruction and ride you out to your marshalling location – it would be great if you can bring a bike.
    – timing helper – 1 person to help Roy with timing.

    – a cupcake for the male and female from each category who is able to be closest to their predicted time. We will gather predictions before athletes start their swim.

    In all we need about 15-18 volunteers to pull this event together. Thats probably one for every athlete in the event!

    What you need to do:

    Athletes – contact by friday 8pm to register for the event – we want to make sure we get you on the start list
    Parents – contact by friday 8pm to register as a volunteer

    Roy will contact parent volunteers by 10pm on friday to let them know their volunteer placement and when/where to meet for volunteer briefing.

    This will be lots of fun!

    Roy Strum

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