Saturday race info

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  • #6225


    Hi Team

    **note: XC race info on the XC Junior Racing forum

    Race weekend #2 this weekend!

    Here is the info your all after…

    Saturday: Sprint race

    Equipment check: 9:45am (do on your way to zero?)

    Zero: 10am
    Start 11:00am

    Start order:

    Jr Men
    Yth Men
    Jr Women
    Yth Women

    Loops/Stadium: Should have seen those today, we’ll go over that tomorrow at our meeting again.

    Please arrive no later than 9:15am. We will have our team meeting at 9:30am (likely in the new room, #13 Taj Mahal)

    It will be cold and could be gusty winds, be prepared to go for it despite the conditions! A positive and determined attitude is essential when the weather conditions are tougher.

    Get good rest and lets have some fun tomorrow!! 😀 😀

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