Saturday race info

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  • #6725


    Hi Team

    Nothing new as far as tomorrow goes. Arrival 9:00am for morning (Sr Boys/Girls) and 1:00pm for afternoon classes (Dev 1-2). Hopefully all your skis are waxed! (F31 Violet).

    There is a small stadium layout change from years previous, nothing crazy new, just some small changes (like a wider penalty loop).

    a.m. class start order:
    a.m. Sr Boys/Girls are last to go out. Expect to race close to noon, but check in the morning your actual time (start list and zero lists in a.m.).
    p.m. Dev 2, Dev 1, Air 2, Air 1

    Team meetings:
    a.m. 9:15am
    p.m. 1:15pm
    Don’t be late!! We’ll review the courses and the days procedures etc.

    Read your plans tonight and do your best to follow them in the race tomorrow. Once the race finishes evaluate how well you followed your plan, what went well and what could be better for tomorrow. This will help you plan for the next day and this is the process to become a better racer and athlete! 😀 😀

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