Sept 12 and 15, 2022

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    Sara Renner

    Hello Track Attack Parents,

    Welcome to session number one of Track Attack. For Monday, Sept 12 and Thursday, Sept 15 sessions, we will be playing games. Please have your child dress according to the weather and wearing running shoes. Send the kids with drink belt of water or a bottle in a backpack. Please feed your child prior as we won’t be stopping for snacks.

    Heads up. On September 19, there is a mandatory information session in Haig Room of the Bill Warren Training Center. A program information session will be held for parents from 5:30-6:00 pm. The kids will be brought in from the woods to join the parents at 6:00 pm for a “Creating an Upstander Culture” workshop. Attendance is mandatory. For more information on the Upstander Workshop: click here

    Pods and meeting spots are below as well as an email that you should have received.

    POD 1- Fall meeting spot Cross Country Stadium, east end stadium where the ice rink is in the winter
    Eira Dent
    Dahlia Simson
    Sophia Curry
    Cedar Aikman
    Kara Mishra
    Marin Paterson
    Genevieve Kurek
    Eli Kurek
    Tas Burke
    Maya Grandi
    Elsie Barrand
    Owain Rapcewicz
    Ada Driedzic
    Eli Jenkins
    Birch Robins
    Mattias Giannandrea
    Connor Giannandrea
    Fawn Karlos
    Ewan Slater
    Clara Mah
    Mathys Bresee
    Louis Ste-Croix
    Beatrice Kirouac

    POD 2: Fall meeting spot Cross Country Stadium, east end of flag row across from Trail Sports
    Asher Esarte
    Eva Burrell
    Ayla Charchun
    Stevie Heal
    Maeve Purcell
    Sequoia Heinrichs
    Jude MacInstosh
    Jackie Allen
    Anya Holeczi
    Tighe Preece
    Linna Bouwmeester
    Adelaide Downing
    Connor Faupel
    Alessandro Giannandrea
    Gemma Pickard

    POD 3- Fall meeting spot Cross Country Stadium: Bike bridge in middle of the stadium
    Annika Jenkins
    Elliot Chan
    Gabi Grandi
    Leonard Drolet
    Isabelle Marie Werner
    Chloe Beaulieu
    Samuel Tessier
    Leif Faerden
    Jakob Varieur
    Max Gmoser
    Farren Martland
    Olive Kirouac
    Elizabeth Kain
    William Reed

    Hello Track Attack Parents,

    We’d like to introduce ourselves and give you all a little more information on the Track Attack program that will be starting this coming Monday Sept 12 and running through until March 16, 2023.

    The coaching team will be led by myself, Sara Renner. I grew up in the Canmore Nordic community, competed for Canada for many years and am a skier for life.

    The main organizer, head of logistics, and communication of all good things will be Leslie Simson.
    We also have a number of parent coaches and athletes helping this year. There will be 3 pods of approximately 20 kids. The fall sessions will depart form the Canmore Nordic Centre Cross Country Stadium and the winter sessions will depart from the Biathlon stadium. Each pod will have a specific meeting place. Sessions begin at 5:00 pm sharp and finish at 6:30pm. Please be on time for both drop off and pick up.

    Fall Meeting places will be in the Cross Country Stadium
    POD 1 Intro Track attack – East end stadium where the ice rink is in the winter
    POD 2-East end of flag row across from Trail Sports
    POD 3 – Bike bridge in middle of the stadium

    Intro to Track Attacker (1st year) in the fall.
    Mondays from Sept 12- October 17.
    No sessions October 17 until November 17.
    Monday/Thursday from November 17-March 16.

    POD 2 and 3
    Monday and Thursdays from Sept 12- March 16.

    PLEASE check this page for meeting place for each session, as well as for other info that will be valuable for you and your child to know.

    The main goal for all Track Attackers including the coaches and parents, is to maximize the enjoyment of cross-country skiing through a fun and focused learning environment with the emphasis on creating a culture of community. There are racing opportunities that are fun, foster community and improve skiing skills. It’s about fitness, fun and physical literacy.

    For the fall dry-land sessions your child will need a good pair of running shoes (no skate or court shoes please), water bottle and carrier, as well as some warm clothes for when the sun goes down during training. More details about equipment will be presented on September 19 in which parents/guardians are required to attend.

    Important dates
    Monday, Sept 12: First session
    Monday, September 19. Mandatory parent/athlete meeting
    -5:30 pm: Program overview. parent attendance mandatory.
    -6:00 pm: Right from the start. parent and athlete attendance required.
    Thursday, October 6: Rollerskiing for POD 2 and 3. Boots and poles required. Rollerskis provided.
    Saturday, October 15: Banff Day. Hike up Sulphur+swimming at Banff Center. Parents and siblings welcome.
    Monday, October 17: Last fall session for POD 1
    Friday, November 4 and Saturday, November 5: Canmore Nordic Ski Swap
    Monday, November 7- First day of skiing for POD 2 and 3
    Friday, November 11-Sunday, November 13: Lake Louise overnight camp for U2011
    Thursday, November 17: POD 1 resume on snow
    December 10 and 11: Alberta Cup Canmore
    Feb 03 – Feb 05: Kimberely Races
    Mar 04 – Mar 05 Alberta Youth Championship. U2011 and 2012
    March 16: Last Track Attack

    No sessions: Statutory Holidays, school breaks and the Monday after race weekends or camps. No sessions on October 10. November 10, 14, Dec 12, Dec 26, Dec 29, Jan 2, Jan 5, Feb 6, Feb 20, Feb 23, March 6

    One last piece of information I’d like to ask you to share with your child. For this program to work well, and for us to keep all of our great coaches enthused and able to do their best, it’s very important to have a discussion with your child about listening and paying attention during training. It takes an incredible amount of energy and focus away from the group when one or two individuals are not listening or distracting others. Please take the time before the first training session to have this talk – Thanks!
    Look forward to seeing you all soon!

    High five!

    Sara and Leslie

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