Sept 12 to 18 *UPDATED*

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  • #7978

    Rachel Koroscil

    Hello Biathletes

    Reminders from Matt

    Fall has arrived! It was a great summer of training filled with camps, sessions here in town, and of course some great quality training on your own. Let’s keep that momentum going into the fall and keep getting fitter and faster.

    Great work to everyone who attended the Cross Country Alberta camp up in Jasper. It was amazing to see 125 young skiers from across the province all training together to make a stronger Alberta. Hopefully you all got to know some skiers from other clubs and build those friendships across the province.

    Our fall Nipika camp is just around the corner, so we need to know just who is coming to finalize everything. Thank you to the many of you who have filled out the spreadsheet, but if you have not, the deadline to sign up for Nipika is September 15 so get it done.

    We will combine the billing for Nipika and the Multisport week, so do not feel that I have missed you with sending out that billing spreadsheet.

    Our typical training for the fall for LC1s and LC2s will be:
    Monday 4:30-6:00 (Shooting)
    Tuesday 4:30-6:00 (Alternating between shooting nights and physical training nights)
    Wednesday 4:30-6:30 (Physical Training)
    Thursday 4:30-6:30 (Shooting + Strength)
    Saturday 10:00-12:00 (depending on the session)

    Training this week:

    Monday (12) 4:30-6:00 Skate Ski Combo Training

    Tuesday(13) 4:30-6:00 Ski striding intensity WITH COMBO SHOOTING. Bring your ski striding poles (your height minus 29cm). Meet at the range as usual

    Wednesday(14) 4:30-6:30 Skate Rollerski. Meet at the teamroom. If your rollerski tips are not sharp, come 10 min early and Matt will sharpen them.

    Thursday(15) 4:30-6:30
    LC2s will start in the GYM with a new routine. Meet at the teamroom.
    LC1s in the range from 4:30-5:30 for static shooting, strength from 5:30-6:30.

    Saturday(17) 10:00-11:30 TRAINING ZONE CALCULATION DAY Meet at the track at centennial park. LC1s will do a beep test to calculate a max heart rate. LC2s will do the 15 minute threshold test. You must have a heart monitor in good working order, and know how to use it. You have all week to get it sorted out, so for your own benefit, come to the session prepared so we can calculate and fine tune your training zones.

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