Sept 16 – 22

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  • #6594

    Rachel Koroscil

    Hi Everyone:

    Sorry for this late posting. This week:

    Tuesday – 3:45 – 5:15 w/ Geret
    Wednesday – Dryfiring after physical training
    Thursday – 4:30 – 6:30 w/ Jeff – please bring your roller skis
    Friday – 1:30 – 3:00 w/ Geret

    The locker in the team room is now available for you to store your rifles. I encourage you to use this when you need to leave your rifle in the team room for ANY length of time. You will need you own lock/chain combination to secure your rifle in the locker. The door will be locked with a combination lock so that only the LC’s can T3’s will have access. Please see me for the combination.

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