Sept 19-25th training- UPDATED Monday

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  • #6925


    Hi Team,

    Tuesday (20): 4:15-6:00pm. Meet at CODA houses (Roy’s new place, look for us). We will help Roy move some boxes and then do the workout! 2 training groups:

    ADT athletes: Z1 run with Alain to gym for strength

    Others: Z1-4 run/ski stride intensity up grassi fire road. 30″ intervals. After intervals we will run back to the NC team room and finish there.

    *(biathletes always train till 6:00pm on Tuesdays to get in hours)

    Wednesday (21): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1-2 Rski CL combo

    Thursday (22): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1-3 Rski SK combo and strength in gym

    Saturday (23): Meet at Radisson at 9:00am, we will drive out to BVPP and do a distance classic ski with speed. Back at 12:30pm. Please make sure you have a ride from the Radisson, I can take 3 so contact me if you need a lift.

    *ADT Camp: Thursday to Sunday

    “Exceptional success in sport is not easy. But it’s within the grasp of anyone with exceptional dedication”

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