Sept 2-8

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    Caitlin Campbell

    Hello Team,

    Fall training has begun!  As usual, your first week back at school is a recovery week for training to help you settle into the fall routine (no team training, check your training peaks for your on your own plan). It is important to balance all aspects of stress (school, family, friends, and training), so when one aspect goes up, we often need to reduce in another to maintain an appropriate balance.  That said, don’t be scared of getting a bit tired at training.  That fatigue is what is necessary to create a training adaptation.

    Note: We will have our Fall Parent meeting on Monday, September 16 from 6:00-6:30 at the BWTC to have some face time, answer questions, look at the season to come, race calendar, and be sure we are all on the same page for program expectations.

    Training this week:

    Monday(2) No team training- Happy Labour Day

    4:45-6:45 Strength and Skate Rollerski.  U16 in the gym First, U18 Rollerski first. Meet at the BWTC.

    4:45-6:15 STUR See XC forum for details and start list.

    Saturday(7) Biathlon 
    10:30-12:00 Range practice, today we will be working on developing shooting speed.

    Becoming a fitter, stronger, better athlete doesn’t just magically happen.  It is like building a fortress just 1 brick at a time.  Each workout is a brick creating that foundation.  Make those bricks high quality so they can be strong and support all your future challenges.  -Matt

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