Sept 30-Oct 6, 2013

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  • #6749


    Hi T1/2s – great work at Nipika – we did alot of activity that will build our fitness! well done!

    here is the upcoming week

    Tuesday Oct 1 – Orienteering at CNC – we will be joining up with the T3/LC group for a team orienteering event – get ready for some fun! running shoes, water belt, rain gear if needed. meet at 5pm at team room

    Thursday Oct 3 – This is the first week of our T2 strength program
    T2s – meet at 445 at team room – we will start in the gym for 30 minutes
    T1s – meet at 500pm at the bwtc weight room
    we will go outside for a run at 515pm till 630pm

    Saturday, Oct 5 – ski walking/striding – team room 930-1100am – bring last year’s classic ski poles

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