September 10-16 Udated Thrusday

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  • #9319

    Matt DeCarufel


    The first bit of school is underway and hopefully you are all settling into the routine of getting to bed early and getting up for school. Many of the best athletes in the world sleep 9 to 10 hours each night. So be sure you are getting to bed at a proper time to give yourself the rest you need.

    Training this week:

    Monday(10) 6:30-7:45 LC+ Strength in the BWTC. Start with 5 min spinning and jump into your mobility.

    Tuesday(11) 4:30-6:30 LC/LC+ UMR. Be sure to finish a little snack by 3pm at the latest so you are fully digested and ready to go for it. Meet at the teamroom.

    Updated results here:

    Wednesday(12) 4:30-6:15 LC+ Skate Rollerski with some short sprints. Meet at the teamroom.
    ***Bring your running shoes toinight. If it is pouring rain, we will run instead.***

    Thursday(13) 4:30-6:30 LC/LC+ Short run with agility and strength. Meet in front of the BWTC. Be sure to have clean shoes for the gym.

    Saturday(14) 9:00-10:30 LC/LC+
    Due to the fresh snow and weather forecast we will change the workout today. Meet at Quarry Lake Parking Lot for a 1.5 hour run. Remember your rain jacket, drink belt, and clothes for +2C and Rain.

    Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eye off his goal. -Joseph Cossman

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