September 12-15

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  • #7979


    Welcome back to all the returning Track Attackers and welcome to all our new families.

    Monday September 12. Intro to Track Attack and Track Attack. All athletes; first, second and third year kids. We will meet at the team room and head to the main stadium field for our first session. Please be sure you child is dressed in layers for the weather, has running shoes and a water bottle.

    Thursday September 15 Track Attack Session. Second and third year participants only. We will meet at Centennial Park right behind LGMS. We will completing a Shakespeare run around town so be sure the kids have their water belts.

    Monday September 19 Parent Meeting in the Bill Warren Training Center. Drop the kids off for their session at the team room and then make your way over to the Bill Warren Center. I will be there at 5:15 and give a short overview of the year. The kids will do their activity with the other coaches and we will hopefully wrap it up before they finish.

    Important Future Date: Oct 1/2 is our Ribbon Creek over night camp. All kids in 2 and 3 year are eligible to attend. We will have a sign up sheet at the parent meeting and are looking for some parent volunteers to help coordinate the food.

    If you have any questions at any time please feel free to email Megan or myself and we will try our best to help you out. I’m really looking forward to seeing each and everyone of you again.

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