September 17-23 *updated Fri*

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    Matt DeCarufel

    TT Weekly Schedule 9/17-23 **Updated Friday!**

    A few reminders to kick off week #2:

    • Parent Mtg Wed @ 6pm for T1s, @630 for T2s. We’ll cover an outline of the season and answer any questions.  Finishing at 7:30.
    • Athletes, please remember to bring a jacket, pants, hat and gloves to EVERY session so you are prepared for weather changes. You may leave your additional clothing in the team room during practice.
    • Please make every effort to arrive to practice 5-10min early to make sure you are suited up and ready to go at the posted start time, especially on rollerski nights.
    • Lake Louise Camp sign-up deadline HERE Oct 1.
    • Race suit & warm-ups fitting nights 9/17, 18, 19, 24, 25 at 6:30-7:30 @ BWTC. See email for more details.


    Mon 9/17, 5-6:30pm @CNC – Foot Agility, Strength, Epic Obstacle course, game.  Race suit fitting 6:30-7:30.

    Wed 9/19, 5-6:30pm @ CNC – Skate Rollerski intro.  Rollerskis to borrow for those without.  Remember, no helmet=no skiing! Make sure you come early to get ready so we can be ON SKIS at 5pm sharp.  Please bring running shoes + ski gear.  PARENT MEETING 6/630-7.

    **UPDATED**Sat 9/22, 9-1pm @ Bourgeau Lake trail head – Hike on Borgeau Lake trail with goal of making the lake.  Bring a small daypack with food, min 2L water, rain jacket, hat + gloves.  Please dress appropriately for the weather…there could be snow!  A rain jacket is required!  Remember to pack water, snack and change of dry clothes for after (leave in your car or a coach car)!  Parents are welcome to attend.  Parents who plan to drop their kids off and pick up at 1pm please check-in with Hilary when dropping off to double check that the pick-up time hasn’t changed.  

    Off-site safety plan here.

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