September 20-26 * UPDATED

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    Alain Parent

    Hi Team, great job at the Bragg Creek camp. It was the first time that I ever organized a ski camp without skiing or rollerskiing and I liked it a lot….. It was a pure fitness camp and you all did very well. Good focus, good job trying hard and not complaining. You will benefit from this camp later on this fall and winter. You are most likely stiff now (that’s perfectly normal). Make sure you do some stretching every day this week for 10 minutes each time.

    Here are the group activities for this week:

    Tuesday (21): 4:30-6:30pm, team room. Z1-2 RS-SK + strength in gym. Bring your plan and clean, dry shoes.

    Wednesday (22): 4:30-6:15pm, team room. Z1 RS-CL with speed and ski strength. You will receive your new training plan by email today. See Thursday’s note.

    Thursday (23): RS-SK – final details TBA on Thursday morning. Very small group today with the ADT and AST camp. This group workout might turn into a workout on your own. IMPORTANT: Please let me know by email by Wednesday 8p if you will attend this workout today. Check back here Thursday for more details. I HAVEN’T HEARD FROM ANYONE (+ I HAVE A COLD) SO NO GROUP TRAINING ON THURSDAY. DO Z1 FOR 1.5HRS ROLLERSKIING (OR 1.25HR RUN) IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT TO DO.

    No team training on Saturday. Make sure you are fully recovered from the camp. Check your training plan.

    “In our lives we will encounter many challenges, and tomorrow we face one together. How we accept the challenge and attack the challenge head on is only about us–no one can touch that. If we win or lose this weekend, it will not make a difference in our lives. But why we play and how we play will make a difference in our lives forever.”
    Beth Anders

    😀 🙂 😯 😆 🙄

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