September 5-11

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    Alain Parent

    Hello Team –

    I hope that the first week of school wasn’t too rough! It’s time to get back to group training now. Our first week is fairly busy, I hope you are ready 😆 😆

    I really, really, really need you to update your iLog (or TP) training journal. I want to see what you have been up to and how recovered you are. This is important and I hope you put as much effort into your journal as you do in your training. Be proud of writing down what you do. I will update your training program once I see what you have done recently.

    Monday (5): Follow your plan for last week as it was a 8 day week

    Tuesday (6): 4:15-6:00pm, Z1 & Z4 RS-SK. Meet at Harvie Heights parking lot (same parking lot as usual). Get on your skis as soon as you get there and warm up. Note that Tuesdays will be our intensity days and we will start at 4:15pm.

    Wednesday (7): Team room, 4:30-6:15pm. We will do mostly Z1 RS-CL but also a few sprints and some ski strength.

    Thursday (8): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1 run with a few sprints then strength in the gym.

    Saturday (9): Z1 run. Meet at Quarry parking lot at 9:30am for a 2hr run. It would be great to have 2 or 3 parents joining today to help with safety (we will run the highline, you could bike too). Please bring a bear spray and a cell phone. It would be great if you could email me a few days in advance to let me know you can come. Thanks.

    Finally, please let me know when you are going to miss a workout. Send me an email, text of phone me at 678-0266. It really helps me in the planning of workouts and I’m interested to know why you can’t make it.

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