September 7-13

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  • #7725

    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello LCs,

    Hopefully you are all easing your way back into school with this nice 4 day weekend and getting in some quality recovery after a great week of training during the adventure week. We coaches have decided to include billing for the Adventure Week camp with Nipika Billing in an attempt to simplify things.

    Coming up this week is the first week of fall training and some exciting events:

    Our first iLog challenge drawing will take place on Tuesday. So if you have filled out your iLog for all of August, your name will be in the hat for a giant Toblerone.

    The fall ADT/AST Camp will be happening over the weekend.

    Finally, a touch of personal excitement, I, Coach Matt, am getting married on September 12. 😛 So, there will be no organized XC training on this Saturday.

    Training for the week will be:

    Tuesday(8) 4:30-6:15 Ski Striding intensity. Meet at Quarry Lake parking lot. Be sure to bring poles that are proper ski striding length (between 30 and 24 cm less than your height).

    Wednesday(9) 4:45-6:45 Hike the Grassie Nob. Meet at the South East end of peaks of Grassi at the start of the East highline trail connector. Parents welcome.

    Thursday(10) 4:30-6:30 Skate Rollerski and Strength. Meet at the teamroom. Many of you have made some great headway in the gym this summer an we want to keep that progress going!

    Saturday(12)– No team training this weekend – Biathlon training will be running

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