September 9-15

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  • #7125

    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello Team,

    A note for all your calendars: September 19 we will have our Parent/Athlete meeting to go over the winter race schedule and the exciting winter to come. The meeting will start at 6:30pm after training.

    This week we will we are getting into the full swing of fall training.

    Tuesday (10): T3/LC (4:45-6:45)- Beep test and strength. Yes it is time again for a beep test. Heart rate monitors are very important for this test as it helps us to calculate your training zones. Meet at the team room.

    Wednesday (11): LC (4:30-6:00)- Skate Rollerski, Zone 3 intensity. Meet at the team room.

    Thursday (12): T3/LC (4:30-6:30)- Zone 1 Run. Meet at the Quarry for a little change of scenery.

    Saturday (14): T3/LC (10am-Noon)- Ski Striding Zone 4 intensity. Bring poles close in height to your on snow classic poles. Meet at the team room.

    Becoming a great skier doesn’t just happen. It comes as a direct result from the hard work that you put into your training. See you all soon!

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