Sun. Oct.18th-Sulpur Mnt. and Sally Borden

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  • #6410


    Details for the L2T1,2 Banff Day:

    -arrive with ski walking poles at sulpur mountain Gondola ready to take off for 9:00am. Please arrive a bit early if you still haven’t paid for the day, $20/child.
    – we will shuttle kids to the banff centre for lunch and gym and pool time. Bring gym clothes, dry shoes, swimsuit plus towel, also a snack for the afternoon and water belt.
    -pick up will be at the Sally Borden Gym, Banff Centre at 3:30pm.

    Hopefully everyone can sort out rides going to and from Banff, please let myself or Laurie Harvey know and we can sort out rides for everyone.


    p.s if you haven’t received any emails from me please contact me so that I can update my list, I know I am missing one or two families as well as a few spelling mistakes from registration. Thanks to those of you that have gotten back to me to correct this.

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