sunday race info

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  • #6469


    Hi Team

    Great start to the season!!

    Remember to reflect on what went well today and what you can improve for tomorrow! Then make a plan for the race tomorrow! 🙂

    Pursuit race: (PPSS)

    5″ interval starts

    The start order (per category) will likely be the same as today.

    12.5km (Men, Jr men): R-RO-RO-RO-RO

    10km (Yth men, W, Jr. W): R-R-R-RO-RO

    7.5km (Yth W, Masters, Sr. Boy/G): R-R-R-R-O

    Stadium set-up will be the same

    Zero: 9:00am, zero lanes decided in a.m.

    Weather: warming tonight, high of +5 tomorrow. Winds 20km/hr, so lets make sure we are aware of the wind during zero and comfortable with possible corrections we may need to make during the race.

    The rest of the info will be passed on at our a.m. meeting (8:30am). Please arrive at 8:15am!

    Get good rest, eat well and we’ll see you in the a.m.!


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