Sunday skate info

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  • #7032


    Hi Team

    Great job in the races so far, we had an exceptional day as a team today 🙂 Keep up the good efforts out there, learn from each race and continue to improve your fitness!

    Open/Jr M/W: Handicap start, 3 start lanes, know your start times!

    Junior B/G, Juvenile and Midgets: Mass start. Be there 10min before start so you get your timing chip on and have time to find the correct lane for your start.

    8:50am: Course closed
    9:00am: Open W, Jr W
    10:00am: Open M, Jr M
    11:00am: Jr Girls
    11:50am: Jr Boys
    12:30pm: Midget Girls
    12:45pm: Midget Boys
    1:00pm: Juv Girls
    1:30pm: Juv Boys

    ** Check zone4 for the start list, should be up soon

    Awards: 2 separate times….
    1) After Open and Junior racers
    2) After final finisher for Junior B/G, Juvenile, Midget

    Hopefully everyone has their ski’s in the team room, if not please get them to us in the morning 1hr before your start for Open and Junior categories and by 10am for all other categories. It looked like most, if not all, skis were there when I checked 30min ago.

    Make those race plans tonight, come with a positive and confident attitude tomorrow and let’s really go for it on last day of Westerns 😀

    See you in the a.m.

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