T1/2 practice schedule – Oct 21-27 – updated

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  • #7365


    Hi T1/2s

    here is the upcoming week

    Tuesday, Oct 22 – 5-630pm – team room – games session – get ready for some run around games in the cross country stadium

    Thursday, Oct 24
    T2s – meet at 445 in the bwtc weight room for our strength session
    T1s – meet at 500 in the bwtc weight room for our strength session

    everyone – 530-630 – skiing on frozen thunder – bring skate gear, headlamp, water pack

    Sat, Oct 26 – bow valley prov park roller ski sprints/relays – this is an T1+ event – a lot of fun – skate roller ski equipment – 930-1130am – we will meet at the bow valley pp visitor centre parking lot at 930.
    winter is here!


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