T2 Aug 13-19

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  • #7198


    Hi T2’s
    here is our practice plan for the coming week. We will have three scheduled practice sessions in addition to the physical training sent to you by email – ask your parents to print a copy of the training plan that I sent and put it on your fridge so that you can see everyday what you can be doing to help build awesome fitness for our ski season.

    Tuesday, Aug 14 – meet at 915am at Harvie Heights parking lot – classic roller skiing – please bring ski boots, poles, helmet, and safety vest. All done by 11am. Pick up at Harvie Heights parking lot.

    Wed Aug 15 – meet at 9am at cougar creek parking lot – trail running – pick up at 11am.

    Thursday, Aug 16 – meet at 915am at team room – ski walking – bring your classic ski poles – preferably from last year (should be about 5cm smaller than regular classic poles if possible).

    Also, just to put it on your radar – we will have our end of summer bow valley training camp on Wed Aug 29 – Fri Aug 31 – this will be a daycamp at a variety of locations in the Bow Valley!


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