T3’s – September 10 – 16

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  • #7215

    Rachel Koroscil


    Welcome to the Fall session, the Prep for our racing season. Before we know it you will be teeing up for your first Calforex Cup, only 11 weeks to go. Geret and I are looking forward to working with you to improve your shooting, race fast and get the results for which you are aiming.

    The schedule might look a bit confusing at this time, we are figuring out how to give you the best biathlon and ski training while taking into account other activities in which you are involved. Please let us know how things are going so we can strive to deal with issues before they become problems.

    Practices this week:
    Thursday – Arrive at Nordic Centre at 4:15 – Load rifle, Prep for practice, zero if possible, Head out with the skier for training. Return to range at 5:45 – for biathlon practice to 6:30.
    Sunday: 9:20 – 11:00 (Sorry for the Sunday practice, the coaches have a meeting on Saturday)

    As always, keep in touch.


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