Team Training August 17 – 25

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  • #6372

    Alain Parent

    Hello Team –

    Here are the group training sessions for the remainder of August.

    Tuesday (18): Rollerski intervals around the biahtlon loop at the CNC. meet at the team room at 9am. Kathy will coordinate the workout, but you need to know what you are doing – hint: look at your training program.

    Thursday (20): No team training today. Most of you have strength in the gym

    Sunday (23): RS-SK time trial around the biathlon rollerski loop. Meet at the team room at 8:45am for instruction by Roddy. Show up at 8:30am if you need your poles sharpened. It would be great to have 1-2 parents to help with the timing. Again, look at your training program to find out your distance.

    Tuesday (25): Double pole test at CNC. Meet at the team room at 9am for instructions. Show up at 8:45am if you need your poles sharpened. Use the same equipment as last time. We will do some Z1 and skate technique after the test, we will be done at 10:45am

    Thursday (27) to Saturday (29): 2 Jacks camp. Make sure you let Becky know how many in your family will take part, and what your camping arrangements are (tent, trailer, etc…). Look at the separate posting to find out more about the camp schedule.

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