Team Training February 2 – 8

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  • #6187

    Alain Parent

    Hello Team, this week will be a loading week (volume and intensity). You will train straight throught the BCRR race so might not feel super fresh for that race. Don’t worry about this, as you are preparing for bigger things ahead. It’s important that you take good care of yourself this week. Consider:
    – Eating lots of good quality food (extra protein this week)
    – Cold baths
    – Legs up 2 hours after intensity sessions

    Here’s the plan:

    Tuesday (3): 4:30-6:30pm, skating, meet at daylodge. Z1 continuous + Z4 intensity. You will do most of this session with Scott. Kendra and Colin to do 1h45, TC’s to do 2hrs, Nelson to work with Alain and the T1’s (1h45 total). Note that cut-off for online registration for the BCRR race this weekend is Wednesday at 5pm (in case yo are not registered for the series).

    Wednesday (4): 4:30-6:15pm, skating equipment (+ bring your classic and skate poles), meet at day lodge. Z1 continuous + focus on double poling technique. Colin and Kendra to do 1.5hrs, TC’s 1.75hrs

    Thursday (5): 4:30-6:30pm, classic, TEAM ROOM. You will do some Z1 classic on your own from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. You will meet Scott and the T1’s for some classic relays at 5:30pm. Check with Scott on where to meet before you leave the team room at 4:30pm (I will not be there on Thursday). You will finish the session with some Z1 again. Colin and Kendra to do 1.75hrs, TC’s 2.0hrs.

    Friday (6): On your own. Z1 run (40min) + core #3 (20min). Glide wax your race skis for tomorrow (check back here for waxing recommendations later in the week). Also check on Friday for the official start list/time. Tentative schedule is posted here (times and race distances)

    Saturday (7): BCRR race. We will meet in the team room to do the grip waxing. Colin and Kendra to do 1.5hrs of training this morning, TC’s 2.0hrs. Recovery run for Colin and Kendra for 15min in afternoon, Bronwyn, Leah, Martin and Annika 40min run, Lucas 1.0hr ski + hydrotherapy for all.

    Sunday (8): Z1 ski on your own (sleep in!). You decide for cl or sk. Colin for 1.5hrs, TC’s for 2.0 hrs, Lucas for 2.5hrs. Kendra: go for an easy 45min ski for fresh air.

    I will have a new training plan for each of you on Tuesday.

    You must be missing the quotes by now!!! Here ones:
    “DO or DO NOT. There is no ‘Try'”
    Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)

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