The Polar Cup Championship Ski Tournament

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    When: Friday March 4th 1:30pm- 4:30pm
    Where: CNC
    How: Skate and Classic equipment. Water bottles, warm clothes.
    What we need: cookies and cupcakes, and helpers.

    Plan of events:

    • host a series of fun, intro to competition cross country ski event
    for all CNSC Track Attack skiers.

    o Yukon Challenge – a 2000 (k)m dogsled event travelling through some
    of the wildest country in the world. A musher along with their team
    of 8 dogs (unharnessed) must travel in linear pairs through the
    ‘classic’ section, followed by the ‘freestyle’ section of the race.
    Dogs and mushers must change their gear at the half way point in their
    journey. This is an interval start event. Endurance and happy
    puppies are important for success in this race. The fastest team will
    earn points for their team to win the coveted polar cup(cake) – the
    prize in this annual competition.

    o Siberian Salt Mine Relay – the next event in the Polar Cup
    championship, an annual competition of polar nations, is in Russia
    where skiers will visit a Siberian salt mine and participate in the
    annual salt crushing championships. Skiers will strap on their salt
    crushers (skis) and use three different salt crushing techniques known
    locally as doublepoleovski (double poling); diagonalstridinov
    (diagonal striding), and kickdoublepolinova (kick double pole). The
    fastest team wins the most points for their team.

    Warm up break: Hot Chocolate, and nimble.

    o Norwegian Alpine Quest – Norwegians love skiing and going fast.
    This mountainous country is home to some of the largest mountains in
    norther Europe. In the third event of the polar cup, skiers
    will complete ‘the Holmenkolen downhill run’ known as one of the polar
    world’s most spectacular ski run. It incorporates all of the
    characteristics of a classic race course including roller coaster bumps, jumps, and slalom elements. This race course even includes uphill sections. The fastest skiers earn the most points for their teams.

    I will need some families to bake up some delicious cookies and cup cakes, Heather is organizing this as well as a few other volunteers to help with the day, setting up the course, helping with timing and results, hot chocolate maker and a photographer (I can provide my easy to use point and shoot- if you don’t have one). I will send out the finer details of helping out closer to Friday and with a few names penciled in.

    Hope to see you all there.

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