This week (Nov. 26th- dec. 2nd)

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  • #5822


    Hi Team:

    The season officially starts this weekend! Hope your all excited like me!

    CLASSIC ski combo. Please arrive as early as possible to apply wax. We will do our dryfire and some combo until 5:30. At 5:30 we will have a surprise event! We will do our strength routines to finish the night.

    Wednesday (TT2/TC only): back to skating
    Short individual start Sprint race, followed by rest and then a Mass Start Super Sprint. Cool- down to finish. We will do about 1.0-1.25 hrs. This is a bit more then the plan but we will do a bit less thursday to make up for it.

    Dryfire routine, skate ski strength combo. @6:00 we will join together for another surprise event!
    Cool-down to finish. race plan talk if not coming friday.
    Please bring WARM clothing this day as our event could get you a little cold if you dont have a big comfy jacket to wear, also bring an extra toque!!!
    This is IMPORTANT! so dress way warmer then you think!

    Official training. I would strongly suggest TT2/TC come to the official training. We will go over race plans and wax skis at this time! For TT1 its optional, come if you like.

    Weekend: More logistical info for the races will come later in the week. Expect Seniors and older to race in the morning and juniors and younger (and Masters) to race in the afternoon.

    Take care of yourselves this week. Get lots of sleep, eat well, drink lots and wash your hands often!

    See ya’ll Tuesday 8)

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