This week training schedule (Dec 31-January 6th)

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  • #5861


    Hi Team:

    More home races coming up this weekend! Since you are all off school we will take advantage of that and train in the mornings.

    (** Tuesday and thursdays training has switched days from the training plans due to the BWTC gym being closed until January 2nd)

    Tuesday: Meet at 11:45am (later dude to new years). Ski strength combo.

    Wednesday (TT2 only): Meet at 8:45am. Mid week intensity work.

    Thursday: Meet at 8:45am. Combo and light strength maint. in weight room. TT1 needs to have a 10 punch card starting at this practice. If you dont have one you will not be able to join.

    Friday: Official training, Time TBD. (9:00am likely..). We will do race prep, wax skis and do our race plans.

    Saturday: Calforex Cup Sprint Competition

    Sunday: Calforex Cup Pursuit Competition

    Its an exciting week!!! 😀 😀 😀

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