This week training (Sept. 14-20)

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  • #6389


    Hi Team

    TC/LC: Intensity week!! Practice plans all attached below!

    TW: you’ll get some easier days before the weekend intensity (recover from those trials).

    Tuesday: 4:30-6:30
    TC/LC: Z3 Rski CL combo
    TW: Z1 combo+ Drills
    * Coaches meeting afterwards

    a.m. (8:30-10:30)
    TW: Z3 Rski SK and free skate combo OR Z1 if not recovered from weekend (TBD wednesday)

    p.m. 4:30 start
    TC: Z3 Rski SK and free skate combo (finished around 6:30pm)
    LC: Training with XC. Meet at Team Room at 4:30pm for RS-CL technique and speed. You will be done at 6:00pm.

    a.m. TW with XC. Uphill Rski SK technique work. Meet at Harvey Heights at 9am. CANCELLED

    p.m. TC/LC: strength on own, no session.

    For friday to sunday look for group below:

    TW’s: (Mel, Beau, Joel):
    friday a.m. Z1 Rski CL combo. 8:30am start.

    saturday a.m. Z3 Rski SK combo (practice plan will arrive with me saturday, expect around 45-1hr Z3 and drills). 8:30am start at NC.

    Sunday a.m. Running biathlon competition. for details and registration info. I’ll e-mail a meeting time later this week.

    LC/TC (and Andrew):

    Friday-sunday: CWG Biathlon Alberta Competition Camp

    * If your too young for CWG team you should register for the sunday running biathlon race! for details and registration!

    That’s all for now,

    8) 8) 8)

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