Thursday March 26th Talk about next year!

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  • #6317



    I would be happy to meet with any families that have questions about next season’s program or would like to know how their TA athlete did this season. There are so many families involved in this program it is hard to make time to talk to everyone throughout the year.

    I can be available to talk at the West end of the daylodge from 4:30 – 6:00 on Thursday.

    Please email me if you are interested and I will book you a time slot! My email address is

    If this time does not work for you, please email me and we can set up another time to go over things.

    I really enjoyed each and every Track Attacker this year – they were a terrific bunch of skiers. It is hard to believe that the season is over.

    Thanks for all your support and dedication!

    Happy Trails,
    Kathy :mrgreen: 🙂 :mrgreen: 🙂 :mrgreen:

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