Thursday Sept 5 – fall program kick off!

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    hi T1s and T2s – its fall – and our fall program season is starting this Thursday, Sept 5 – 630pm. Meet at the team room – dress for outdoor activity. running shoes, club jacket or wind layer, shorts if warm or pants if cold.

    We have a big season ahead and we look forward to seeing you all this Thursday!

    A couple of upcoming events you should be aware of

    Regular Tuesday 5-630; Thursday 5-630 and Saturday 930-1100 practices will start next week on Sept 10.

    We will organize a parent info night for Tuesday Sept 24 from 530-630pm – kids will be at practice, roy will lead a parent info meeting. Everyone done at 630pm

    Nipika Camp – Sept 27-29, 2013. This is a really fun weekend held at Nipika close to Radium. It is a favourite of our club kids. We would sure love to see everyone attend. More on registration and program info to follow. For now, please pencil it on your calendar.

    Fall is here and we’re getting going! I look forward to seeing you all soon!

    Roy Strum
    Lead T1/2 Coach

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