Training Assessment Summary to August 31

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    All Biathlon T3 and LC – this is just a short summary of observations from the shooting training you have completed so far this year. You should review this and ask Jeff or myself for clarification, more explanation or more shooting if there are things you do not remember or think would help you in improving more.
    What we have covered so far:
    May: Position building and rifle fitting – Lots of slow shooting and attention to rifle fit.
    June: Building on the May work – Lots of repetition drills focused on you building the position repeatedly and with accuracy. (1shot set up / Natural aim etc.)
    July: Added in group shooting – assessing size of groups and location of groups – this relates to positions and accuracy of your position building.
    August: Introduction of more combination training and some intensity with shooting. Also introduction to race simulation at various intensities.
    Shooting Results: Jeff and I have been able to witness some good progress in the areas of position stability and clarity in zeroing and wind management. Precision scores as detailed by the monthly Biathlon Canada shooting competition indicate that as a group:
    1. There are a majority who meet the LTADM score expectations for prone shooting
    2. Only one athlete currently indicating that prone is ready to meet the next level LTADM
    3. Standing shooting is very weak. All scores barely making 50%. All scores at the level below your expected LTADM.
    As you have noticed in the last 3 weeks we have heavily emphasized standing shooting in the practices and this will continue. You can greatly benefit yourselves by religiously performing 3x10min. standing dryfire sessions copying what we do in practice.
    1. You have all demonstrated excellent concentration while at practices
    2. You have all been game to perform tough and at times long practices (as long as some national team practices)
    3. You have all demonstrated clear desire to improve
    One Thing to Improve:
    1. Come on time: If practice is slated to start at 4:30 then you should be there at 4:20 to get you mat out and rifle prepped so that we can start on time and finish on time!!

    Look forward to seeing you through the fall.

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