Training Dec 15-27 ***UPDATED***

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  • #6083

    Alain Parent

    Hello, it appears that we will have a small window in the next 2 days to do some good skiing with perhaps intensity. Here’s the plan:

    Tue (16): Team room 4:30-6:15pm. Z1 classic with some Z3 or 4 (depends on weather).

    Wed (17): Team room 4:30-6:15pm. It looks like we will be able to ski in the “not so cold” today. We will do classic Zone 1 with some strength on skis. Meet with Lucas at 4:15pm.

    Thu (18): Rest day for all

    Friday to Sunday: Depends if the AB Cup race is on or not. Stay tuned!

    Monday Dec 22 to 27: You will be training on your own. We have the Christmas camp Dec 28-30 (BCRR race on the 28th).

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