Training for the family day weekend

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  • #6208


    Hello folks,

    If you are around for the weekend, or travelling to somewhere that has X-C skiing. here are some suggestions for skiing.

    Over the three days, try to fit in two good skiis. I would do one in classic, and one in skate. Ideally, one of the skis should be 1.5 hours in length at a SLOW pace. The younger kids could just do 1 hour. It is O.K. to stop for a snack, walk up some of the hills, but try to keep moving for most of the time. The other ski should be 45 minutes in length, and a continuous ski.

    Mini-midgets, you can throw in 5 X 8 seconds of sprinting on one of the days, during the longer ski. Rest at least 2 minutes in between each sprint.

    If you are travelling somewhere else on the weekend – just enjoy yourself and have fun! We will see you at the races on Thursday.

    Remember no TA on Monday, the registration deadline for the Westerns is Feb 15th. Please register for all three days. If you can only do 2- pick the Saturday and Sunday events.

    Stay tuned to the forum closer to the Thursday event for more info.

    Kathy 😉

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