Training July 14 – 27

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  • #5963

    Alain Parent

    Hello team, congratulations on some great training weeks. I wasn’t there to witness it all, but all the reports are telling me that things are going good for our team. Well done.

    The next 2 weeks are going to be busy for our team. I am done with bike camps for the time being and would like to spend a lot of time with you. Here’s the group schedule:

    Wed July 16 (T2/TC): Meet at 9am at the parking lot mid way on Harvey Heights trail for RS-SK.

    Thu July 17 (T2/TC): We will ski walk up Sulphur Mountain in Banff. Meet at Sheraton at 8:30am. We will need some drivers for both ways. Bring picture ID for a free ride down the gondola every time.

    Fri July 18 (T2/TC): Meet at 9am at the team room for RS-CL (RS-SK for Kendra).

    Mon July 21 (T2/TC): Warm up on your own. Meet at BWTC gym at 10:00am for strength #3 & 3B (I will have the program with me).

    Tue July 22 (T2/TC): Meet at 9:30am at team room for some running and ski walking/striding.

    July Camp:

    Thu July 24 (TC only):
    9:15am: Meet at team room for RS-SK
    3:00pm: Meet at team room for some RS-CL double poling (CL equipment)

    Thu evening:
    T2- sport psyc session from 6-7pm at the BWTC
    TC- sport psyc session from 7-8pm at the BWTC
    The seminar costs $10 each. Please give a cheque to Roddy or Alain.

    Fri July 25 (T2/TC)
    AM: Strength in gym for TC’s, uphill strength (RS-CL) for T2’s. Meet at team room at 9am for both groups.
    PM: Meet at team room at 3pm for mt-bike ride to Banff (via riverside trail). Camping at Two Jack campground

    Sat July 26 (T2/TC)
    AM: RS-SK up Norquay
    PM: Z1 adventure training

    Sun July 27 (T2/TC)
    AM: Ski stride intensity up Norquay.
    Lunch and dip at Johnson Lake after.

    A winner is a loser who was willing to fail and get up, fail and get up, fail and get up, fail and get up and win
    – Peter Zafra

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