Training May 19-25

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  • #5928

    Alain Parent

    Here’s the plan for May 19-25 for TC and T2:

    Tuesday May 20: Roddy will lead a rollerski session for the TW/TC/T2 xc and biathlon. Meet at the Four Points Sheraton at 4:30pm. Skating is best.

    Thursday May 22: We will do some strength in the gym at the BWTC. It would be great if you could arrive a bit early and do a warm up run on your own (no problem Colin, we will take you when you arrive!!). Meet at the BWTC weight room at 4:30pm. I will show you the new strength routine. Please organize for a punch card or a membership (see below and attached file). Also, make sure you bring other shoes for the gym.

    BWTC gym: We/you will use the gym a fair amount in the spring, summer and fall (1.5X/wk on average). Sometimes we will do short sessions in the gym as well (core, work on a weakness,etc…). To me, a membership makes more sense than a punch card, but I will let you decide.

    T2/T1 camp on Saturday and Sunday, May 24-25: Roddy will send you all the information. The camp starts Saturday morning (2 sessions on Saturday), and ends on Sunday at 1pm. TC’s are invited to join in the soccer game at Lawrence Grassi at 11:30am on Sunday.

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