Training May 26 to June 1

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    Alain Parent

    Yes hello!

    The T2’s and T1’s have a recovery week now, while the TC’s are on a big volume week.

    Here are the details for the week:

    T2 and TC, meet at Millenium Park at 4:30pm for a Zone 1 run with Sara Renner. Don’t be shy to ask her tons of questions!!! You will be done at about 6:00pm

    TC: Meet at Team Room at 4:30pm for some Zone Sk-RS with Alain. You will go in the gym to do your strength routine (same as last week) at about 5:30pm. Mel will be there to help you out if needed (bring clean shoes!). You will be done at 6:30pm.
    T2: Meet at the BWTC gym at 4:30 for some strength with Roddy. You will do the same routine as last week. You will switch to CL-RS with Alain at about 5:15pm (go to the team room). You will be done at 6:30pm.

    TC: Bike & rollerski camp. Meet at 8:00am at the Sheraton on Friday.

    T2: Meet Alain at the Team Room at 2pm for some Sk-RS. As this is not the usual time for group training, let me know if you can or can’t attend.

    The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.
    -Joe Paterno

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