Training Nov 17 – 24 – UPDATED

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  • #6056

    Alain Parent

    It looks like the conditions are not going to be that great to train outdoors in Canmore/Banff this week. But we will make the best of it! Luckily, it’s a recovery week.

    Here’s the plan:
    Monday (17): Day off for all
    Tuesday (18): No team training, day off for T2’s, light 45min run for TC’s (if not too slippery)
    Wednesday (19): Ski in Lake Louise for those that can, CL or SK (your choice). We will meet at the Sheraton at 7:45am, back in Canmore by noon. We might need another driver if many people decide to come. If you can’t come, then do an easy Z1 for 1 hour (your choice).
    Thursday (20): Strength 5 & 5B + home routine in gym. Warm up on stationary bikes (4:30-6:15pm).
    Friday (21): SK Ski in Lake Louise in afternoon. We will meet at 1:00pm at the Sheraton, back by 5:30pm. We will need drivers!
    Saturday (22): CL Time Trial in Lake Louise in morning. We will meet at 8:00am at the Sheraton. We will need driving help!
    Sunday (23): Easy Z1 for 1 hour or rest day if feeling 7/10 or less.
    Monday (24): Day off for all

    Please get back to me by email about the Wed, Fri and Sat ski in Lake Louise (if you can or can’t make it and if one of your parent can drive). Thanks.

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