Training Oct 17-23 updated Wednesday

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  • #5718


    Hey Team

    Frozen Thunder is here! We can ski! 😀 😀 😀

    Tuesday (18): Sprint SK race at Bow River Campground. We will give this one a go again, weather looks good this time! We will make a final decision Monday, so check back please. Arrive as early as you can (4:15am) and ski/warm-up till 5:00pm (qualification start). Heats will follow, finish with cool-down. Done at 6:00pm.

    Wednesday (19): Z1-2 SK skate combo, bring ski and rollerski gear. We will hopefully ski, if conditions are not great we’ll switch to rollerskiing 4:30-6:30pm

    Thursday (20): Z1-3 Rski CL combo (ski strength, upper body), then strength in gym, finish with stair workout (outdoors if weather ok)! 4:30-6:30pm

    Saturday (22): Team room, 0930-1200. Z1 skate skiing on frozen thunder followed by RS-CL. Brin sport drink and recovery drink.

    Winter is getting closer! Stay focused, work hard to improve and make fitness gains 😀

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