Training Sept 15-21 UPDATED

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  • #5986

    Alain Parent

    Hello gang, great testing week. You are starting to get in good shape now. Let’s keep it up! Here’s the team training sessions for this week:

    Tuesday 16: No team training today

    Wednesday 17: Meet at Sheraton at 4:30pm for some strength up Silver Tip hill. Bring classic rollerskis, vest and helmet. We will need 1-2 drivers and car to help with transportation down. We will be done by 6:00pm

    Thursday 18: Meet at team room at 4:30pm for some Z1 & Z4 RS-SK training.We will be done at 6:15pm

    Saturday 20: Long RS-CL on Bow Valley Parkway pass Banff. Meet at parking lot at the start of Parkway (Fireside) at 8:30am. We will ski up the Parkway, so will need to get picked up either at Johnson Canyon (19km), Castle Mountain intersection (25km) or Lake Louise (52km). This is age specific, we will make some training groups for each stopping point. I suggest the families organize transportation between themselves. This is a biathlon/xc workout. Athletes will ski 1.75 -3.0 hours.

    Please update your ilog regularly.

    I would like to organize a parent meeting at the end of a workout towards the end of the month. Does Oct 1st work?

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