Training this week

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  • #5781


    Hey Team:

    We will try to communicate from now on with the CNSC forum! so here we go….

    Good job at the Camp this weekend. I was very happy with the effort!
    At the camp we went over the TT1 and TT2 groups race plans and season objectives. Athletes should share this info with their parents!! There should be enough info to make your winter schedules. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Tuesday after practice would be a great time, so if you have questions about racing I can address these in a group. We will do this at 6:30pm tomorrow.

    This week training:

    Bring your ski gear! (skis dont need to be scrapped of storage wax). Bring Poles, boots and skis. We will be checking your gear to make sure it will be good for the seasons races. We will also do Z1 Rollerski combo (Classic or skate, your choice) with about 15-25″ sprints (dependant on athlete).

    Wednesday (TT2 only): Intensity Rollerski combo. Hard/long intervals.

    Strength combo, Z1 running.

    Saturday: NO SESSION. Train on own.

    Sunday: Summer Biathlon Race. Please register asap on the biathlon alberta website. (click on Summer Biathlon). This is a running/shooting event.

    Note: You can register for the first North American/Calforex Cup race on All TT1 and TT2 should register and participate in our home race.

    All for now! 😆

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