Training this week: 14-20 NEW TIME FOR SATURDAY HIKE

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    Hi Team

    Hope you all enjoyed the nice weather this weekend!!! Cause it looks like it was short lived… 🙁

    Here is the plan for the week. Adapt your training based on how you feel and how busy you are. Go for the top limit if you are feeling good.

    Monday: Rest day

    Tuesday: 4:30-6:00pm. Precision shooting for biathletes- precision test 🙂
    Cross country skiers should do 1.0-1.5hr of Z1 training of your choice (it is not a group session for the xc skiers). Biathletes should do a Z1 run for 1.0hr after shooting or you can move the run to monday.

    Wednesday: 4:30-6:00pm. Strength @ BWTC. Running for warm-up. Please bring indoor shoes!

    Thursday: 4:30-6:00pm. Meet Cougar creek parking lot. Z1 run on G8 trail.

    Friday: On your own, do 1.0-1.5hr of biking in Zone 1.

    Saturday: Ha Ling hike. Meet 9:30am @ Goat creek parking lot. Parents are very welcome to join. Roy is leading it, but we need some other adults too. We should be back down around noon.

    Sunday: On your own, a good Z1 bike ride for 1.5-2.5hrs.

    We will circulate a summer calendar by email later this week. We will ask you to mark your time away on it, races you want to do, etc…. and return back to us.

    It’ll be a good week of training!!

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